CHICKENFOOT Adds 'Second Final Show' For 2010

June 24, 2010

CHICKENFOOT — the supergroup featuring Chad Smith (RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS),Michael Anthony (ex-VAN HALEN),Joe Satriani and Sammy Hagar (ex-VAN HALEN) — has scheduled a "second final show for 2010" — September 10 at Fantasy Springs Casino in Indio, California. As previously reported, CHICKENFOOT will also perform at Harvey's Lake Tahoe in Stateline, Nevada on September 11.

"My Kinda Girl", the fifth video from CHICKENFOOT, can be viewed below.

CHICKENFOOT heightened the worldwide buzz from the rock supergroup's incendiary arrival last year with the Blu-ray and DVD release of "Chickenfoot: Get Your Buzz On Live" — one of the most highly anticipated live rock 'n' roll concert experiences of 2010. The Blu-ray and DVD, including an hysterically innovative bonus documentary, was released on May 4 by DC3 Music Group, LLC, following a series of virtual concert screenings at select theaters nationwide and a live concert webcast from Cabo San Lucas.

Filmed with 16 hi-definition cameras over three sold out concerts, "Chickenfoot: Get Your Buzz On Live" offers fans an unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience four rock 'n' roll legends — vocalist Sammy Hagar (ex-VAN HALEN, MONTROSE),bassist Michael Anthony (ex-VAN HALEN),drummer Chad Smith (RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS) and guitar virtuoso Joe Satriani — sharing their explosive musicianship and dynamic chemistry on-stage and off.

CHICKENFOOT's self-titled debut album, released in heat sensitive packaging, has sold over 750,000 copies and has been a Top 10 radio mainstay since its release last June. The band embarked on a small North American club tour, performed in Europe in the summer and returned to North America to perform two sold-out summer tours, followed by another in the fall.

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